Megan Medlock

Last year I decided to take a sabbatical after 10 years in risk management for fintech companies. As you can imagine, I worked in high pressure, high stakes environments. I was craving a change, something that was creative and peaceful, that fostered connection and community, and that allowed others to take a deep breath and rest.

Meditation was introduced to me at a yoga retreat a friend had invited me on. I loved how internally centered and calm I felt afterwards and how attuned I was to my intuition. I wanted to learn more and share it with everyone!

Sound healing came later after I attended a sound healing session locally. Has anything ever resonated so much with you that you have to dive in? That was sound healing for me. I couldn’t wait to learn more!

Both sound healing and meditation have the ability to transport you out of fight or flight and into states of relaxation, reducing stress, anxiety, insomnia, and more!

I’m looking forward to creating and sharing mediation and sound healing with you 💕